KOHLER Power – Generators Group with a century of diesel and gasoline engines building expertise & ACTIA ITALIA / ACTIA Group specialist in on-board system for the automotive world, work together with “CHECK PLUS” for a diagnosis at hand:

CHECK PLUS is a universal Bluetooth diagnostic interface that connects to the diagnostic port of the engine and transmits large amounts of engine data to the dedicated KOHLER Check App:

– Recording operating hours
– Live dashboard with your engine’s performance in real-time
– Diagnostics report
– Scheduled maintenance
– Ability to share the results with the nearest Service Partner

A very intuitive diagnostic approach to:

– Minimize the machinery downtime
– Anticipate and manage the maintenance plans
– Optimize the maintenance costs
– Maintain the longevity and performance of your engine

#diagnostics #predictivemaintenance #agtech #agriculture #agricoltura #offhighway #kohler #actiaitalia #actia